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Creative Editing

Final edited image

BlackHawk Photography has been playing with creative editing more and more. This helps create a more unique image that otherwise may not exist. We aren't talking about making people thinner, or removing that third eye, no, those things remain unchanged, however, take this image for example, we took this photo during the day on the mountain with a cranky 3 year old. Here is the original...

Original image

As you can see, this was a fairly drab image. A winter scene with a toddler throwing a tantrum but when we photographed this little guy, it was with the idea of a classic Christmas movie in mind. You know the one, where they go out in to the woods and find a tree to cut down, only to realize, they forgot the saw, you know the one. The thought was that we can take this image and turn it to night and add a much more magical spin to an otherwise dull image. What did we do you ask? Well, we darkened the entire scene and followed up with a more night time sky, adding in stars and a moon. Bumped our contrast and bam, it's an image worth hanging on the wall. Now this was part of our educational advancements, we found a great tutorial and this is now something that when photographed with this in mind, we can make magic happen! Here's the final image again, in case you don't want to scroll back to the top.

Final magic in the forest

This may lead to sessions in the woods around Christmas time where we document the hunt for the perfect tree!

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